
Moray Food Plus: Partnering with the community of Moray to ensure everyone has the right to food


Moray Food Plus provides a variety of services to those either experiencing or at risk of food insecurity. We also work with partners to reduce the amount of local food waste taking surplus food and redistributing it amongst the community.

Why We’re Needed

Food poverty is on the increase in Moray. Moray Food Plus is working hard to support people who through no fault of their own find themselves in crisis. Reasons for this are varied but include changes in personal circumstances, illness, welfare reform, low income, and unexpected bills.

Support available

The crisis service works on a referral basis from agencies such as social work, housing and health; please contact us for more information. Once a referral is received a team of volunteers make up a food parcel containing three days’ worth of food - we can also supply pet and baby food on request. In exceptional circumstances, or for remote locations, we can deliver to people’s houses; we can also deliver to a referrer, an agreed collection point, or parcels can be collected from the office.

We are very Thankful

Between April 2023 and March 2024 we received
4,184 referrals and supported 9,460 people — of these, 33% were aged 16 years and under. Much of the food needed to enable this is donated by the Moray public; we are increasingly having to bulk buy products so appreciate all monetary donations. Thank you for this crucial support!

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Become a Volunteer

Between April 2023 to March 2024 our volunteers contributed over 6,578 hours. As we have become busier our volunteers have met the demand without complaint and we are incredibly grateful for their support. Without this dedication we could not run our services and support so many people in Moray.

Volunteers usually work a couple of hours a day, 1 or 2 days per week but we can also accommodate you if you only want to volunteer now and again. Opportunities include making up referrals, sorting food, stacking shelves, helping at collection drives, driving, helping at community meals, and supporting our work at The Bosie.

In June 2022 we were delighted to be awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, a wonderful recognition of the hard work and dedication of all our volunteers, past and present.

Get in touch!

Partners & Friends


All enquiries are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Moray Food Plus is here to support you through your time of food crisis and ensure you receive all the help you are entitled to.

Contact Info

If you or your family are experiencing a food crisis and need the support of the Moray Food Plus, please get in touch. All enquiries are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Enquiries regarding referrals for crisis support should be sent to request@morayfoodplus.org.uk. Office hours: 9.00am - 12.30pm Mon - Fri

  • 203 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1DJ
  • 01343 208293
  • admin@morayfoodplus.org.uk

Moray Food Plus is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Charity Number SC042997

Community Projects - GET INVOLVED!

Moray Food Plus has developed several community based projects bringing people together around food.

Get the app BANK THE FOOD

Moray Food Plus has now signed up to the app Bank the Food — this will enable us to keep our most wanted list up to date and also let you know what items we have enough of.

visit the app website!